Monday, November 17, 2008

Jane kya chahe man bawra…

That’s something everyone sings at some point of time or the other. Its supposed to be a Sad song (feelin’ blue…Remem!)….no matter whether you are sad or not, you surely click into your iTunes or MediaPlayers to listen to it. Not just because it’s such a catchy song, but because, deep inside, you really wonder what your heart wants!!! You see the world moving around you in great speed. People chatting, a group of friends cracking jokes in a corner, people walking by the corridors, professors, sweepers, seniors, juniors… your classroom half filled with your classmates, others come and go, they chat, sing, scream, fight, some work, some stay calm,… its all Happening! Around you! You very well know where you’re going, what you’re doing. Completing assignments, preparing for presentations, cursing the college schedules, moaning for the horrendous food, gossiping, chatting for long on phone with your special ones, hanging up parents’ calls asap… all this goes on all day long. Do you really know where you’re going!!

You observe people, notice their qualities, good as well as bad. Maybe you compare them with yourself. You might not agree but all of us DO. Comparison is something we all do knowingly or unknowingly. We always try to find something in us that we see in others, we want it in us. If it’s something bad in others, we criticize them to the core. All the frustration of that day is then dedicated to that guy!! :P But, Where does this take you! In the competition, you are running, chasing each one around you, but are you lost in yourself? I see people being too contemptuous to others, I see some as great friends in the crowd, however, I also find them bitching about them behind their backs. Where is all this taking us? The so called Networking which is so important in today’s time, is it all just for the work you can extract from them? Where’s the care gone that you had for your friends when you were in your primary. Has the world become such a mean place to live in!?

I got this picture somewhere. Funny haan!!? Well, it clearly explains what I am trying to get outta my head from so many confusing words of mine!! The selfless child inside you has also become this big mean beast, of course, under the influence of the world around! This does not lead to any conclusion. Life will go on, we’ll become better managers, great professionals, maybe happily meaner by the day. It’s just a thought :|

1 comment:

  1. Hmm, everybody is running and running...but its part of life...and the very essence of life, do enjoy that..
